Me and Jasmine didn't talk for the whole lesson, we both sat in silence doing our work, I actually thought I wouldn't be very good when I came back, although I had a tutor we had like 2 hours a day of learning and not every day would the people come, so I didn't really learn as much as I should have but this work was quite simple, I got it anyway. After the bell rang I picked up my things from my desk and I heard Jasmine's voice behind me. "Selena..." I heard her call. Oh, she decides to speak to me now but I didn't stop anyway, I have nothing to say to her. I walked into the busy corridor there were people everywhere and I tried to squash through the crowds of people who were barging their way through, I was being pushed from side to side, not on purpose though it's just everyone rushing to go to class at the same time is a nightmare! As I walked the corridors became slightly quieter but not by much, I pulled my timetable out of my bag and looked at it, History 309. 'That's! got to be up here somewhere right?' I thought to myself. I kept on trying to peak over people's heads while standing on my tip toes, I couldn't read the numbers on some of the classrooms I probably passed it ages ago. As I was standing on my tip toes trying to see which class was the other side of the corridor, I was knocked off balance by someone passing by. I dropped my books onto the floor that was in my hand, nobody stopped to help, I huffed while trying to pick them up but people just continued